To join meetings after May 30th, you need to read the important announcement from Zoom!
Companies and employees are currently dependent on Zoom and similar platforms to continue to conduct meetings while working from home during the coronavirus. Loads of activities that you would usually experience in-person have been converted to online Zoom meetings.
Business meetings, networking opportunities, workshops, and committee meetings are now online. We are joining nonbusiness-related collaboration calls, finding online meditation groups, and discovering the advantages of weekly Tai Chi or Yoga classes using Zoom. Even friends and families are using Zoom to stay in touch.
After May 30, 2020, all Zoom clients on older versions will be required to upgrade before joining meetings as GCM Encryption will be fully enabled for all Zoom meetings.
What Happened?
Zoom added security enhancements and is requiring all users to upgrade by May 30th, 2020. With AES 256-bit GCM encryption, Zoom will provide increased protection for meeting data and resistance against tampering. They also added better in-meeting control and user experience for hosts. But after May 30th, if you have not upgraded, you cannot join a meeting.
If an older client attempts to join a GCM meeting, the user will be prompted for confirmation before upgrading. Some versions will offer users the option to join via Web and do the client upgrade later.
Updates for IT Administrators
Find detailed information here about preparing your users and environment for the latest Zoom security enhancements. You will find the update process for Zoom Endpoints: User Clients, Zoom Rooms, Zoom Conference Room Connector, and Self-hosted, virtual connectors.
Don’t Panic!
Updating your user client is a simple and easy thing to do, but if you tend to wait until the very last second to join a meeting and expect to get in on time, you will have to spend a little time doing your upgrade before you can join. This could cause you to not only be seen as showing up late but possibly miss out on important information.
What to Do
Take a look at your desktop client or mobile app and make certain you have 5.0 or above. If you are not prompted by your desktop or mobile client to upgrade, go to the Zoom website for instructions on how to update your device.
Where to Get More Information
Spending a lot of time in virtual meetings? You might find these articles about the real fatigue and side effects caused by virtual meetings.
Are You Suffering From Zoom Fatigue?
7 Tips to Avoid Zoom Fatigue Exhaustion
About the Author
Kris Brinker is co-founder of Ocean 5 Strategies, providing continuous improvement of sales and marketing performance with plans, strategies, and programs that deliver results, and a track record of helping their customers grow their businesses.
You can connect with Kris on LinkedIn. Or send a message below.