Learn how outsourced marketing and a strategic marketing partner like Ocean 5 can boost your business’s visibility, streamline marketing, and drive growth.

Learn how outsourced marketing and a strategic marketing partner like Ocean 5 can boost your business’s visibility, streamline marketing, and drive growth.
Outsourced marketing improves efficiency, boosts results, and fuels growth. Discover valuable insights from Ocean 5 Strategies, an expert strategic marketing company. Read now!
Discover how crafting the right messaging can help you generate more leads and close more sales. Get insights on using clear messaging to close more deals.
Google recently announced upcoming changes that will increase the importance of website design and its influence on search engine optimization (SEO). Learn new SEO ranking metrics for page experience ranking using Core Web Vitals.
It is a simple and easy thing to do, but if you tend to wait until the very last second to join a meeting and expect to get in on time, you will have to take a few minutes to do your upgrade before you can join. Here’s how.
So many people working from home are reporting being exhausted from virtual meetings that it’s earned its own slang term, Zoom fatigue. This exhaustion also applies if you’re using Google Hangouts, Skype, FaceTime, or any other video-calling interface.
Do you find yourself telling people that you are amazed at how exhausted you are feeling at the end of a day working from home in constant video meetings? It’s not just you, and it’s not your imagination. It’s called Zoom Fatigue.
Angie’s List has agreed to be purchased by HomeAdvisor, which will inevitably raise questions for any service contractor who relies on Angie’s List for leads and reviews. While it’s too early to tell exactly what HomeAdvisor will do, there are most certainly big...
“Get More Qualified Leads in 2016” (aka making the phone ring) is the topic of the next workshop lead by Simon Turner and Kris Brinker of Ocean 5 Strategies—the Centreville, VA based consulting and marketing firm. In line with their passion for improving the marketing...
Google announced its mobile-friendly website policy and it has serious implications for anyone who relies on being found online, and specifically on a mobile device. Some announcements are bigger than others and this one is a doozie. Here’s a direct quote from the...