Award winning website design for government contractors

Winner of 2 Awards for Business to Government (B2G) Website Design and Development

Ocean 5 designs and builds digital marketing platforms in the form of a fully responsive (mobile-friendly) website—designed and developed to meet each client’s specific business goals. We use a variety of lead capture and conversion tools and techniques to meet the needs specific to each company.

Our examples demonstrate a variety of website features and styles which are appropriate for those companies business objectives and new client acquisition goals.

Client: Metro Medical

Project: Responsive Website Design

Industry: B2G

Metro Medical Equipment & Supply, established in 1985, provides medical equipment and supplies to federal, state and local government healthcare facilities. They specialize in providing the highest quality brand name medical and surgical equipment and supplies from their established manufacturing partners.

Primary Website Objectives

  • Educate and influence government decision-makers
  • Attract and retain manufacturers, vendors and partners


Use O5 agile growth-driven design (GDD) methodology for:

  • Website design and development
  • Continuous improvement
  • Development of core content pages
  • Optimize for future SEO program

Structure website to become the central hub for lead capture from all marketing campaigns including emails, Google Ads and organic search. Based on analysis of traffic patterns, optimize user interface in order to guide target audiences through a logical path to become educated, influenced and engaged.

Add GovCon “Must-Haves”

  • Accurate product and service descriptions
  • Professional brand appearance
  • Dedicated government/agency page(s)
  • Capabilities statement as PDF download
  • Easily accessed contract vehicle links

Time Frame

  • Launch new website in under 90 days
  • Ongoing continuous improvement