Does your website deliver what government buyers are looking for?
According to Contracting Officers, the #1 agency resource for market research, decision making and vendor comparison is your website!
Take this quick 5-question quiz to see how your website measures up.
1. Do you have a government-specific landing page?
Check your website navigation bar now.
☐ Can you access a dedicated government landing page with only one click?
☐ Does it list success case studies?
2. Is your capabilities statement in a PDF and easily downloadable?
Check your website navigation bar now.
☐ Can you access a landing page for your capabilities statement with only one click?
☐ Can you quickly and easily download it as a PDF?
3. Are your contract vehicles listed, easily accessed, and hot-linked?
Check your website navigation bar now.
☐ Can you access a landing page dedicated to your contract vehicles with one click?
☐ Do you have high-quality contract vehicle logos?
☐ Are the logos hot-linked to full details and contact information?
4. Does your website help build relationships?
Check your website now.
☐ Do you have compelling lead magnets?
☐ Do you have gated forms that capture visitor information?
☐ Do visitors know what you want them to do next?
5. Are you mobile?
See what Google thinks now: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly
☐ Does your website adapt its layout to respond to mobile devices?
☐ Does it meet the latest Google requirements?
How did you do?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you may be chasing government buyers (and revenue) away!